Site icon Exponential Roadmap Initiative

COP28: Accountability and integrity

card for COP28 event on accelerating corporate climate action through recognition and accountability

card for COP28 event on accelerating corporate climate action through recognition and accountability


04 December, 2023


12:15 – 12:30 (CEST)



Accountability and integrity

Catherine McKenna, CEO of Climate and Nature Solutions and Canada’s former Minister of Environment and Climate Change chaired the UN Secretary General’s High-Level Expert Group on net zero commitments of non-state entities (HLEG) that released the report “Integrity matters” at COP27 in Egypt. We Don’t Have Time host Nick Nuttal talked to her and Johan Falk, CEO and co-founder of the Exponential Roadmap Initiative, about accountability for corporate climate action and what makes a transition plan a credible transition plan.


COP28: Accountability and integrity with Catherine McKenna and Johan Falk
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