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COP28: Transforming Company Product Portfolios Towards a Greener Future


04 December, 2023


9:30 CET


We Don’t Have Time COP28 Climate Hub

Transforming Company Product Portfolios Towards a Greener Future

Products and services that are beneficial to the climate must scale exponentially in order to phase out fossil fuels. Companies disrupting the status quo will play a pivotal role in driving this transformation.

This event brings together business leaders to discuss and provide perspectives of companies shifting to portfolios that are beneficial for climate and supporting climate action. The session will also explore the conditions in policy and finance that are needed to scale solutions globally.


  • Moderator: Louise Rehbinder, Director, Exponential Roadmap Initiative
  • Johan Falk, CEO & Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative
  • Otto Gernandt, CFO, H2 Green Steel
  • Fredrika Klarén, Head of Sustainability, Polestar
COP28 Climate Hub – Day 4 – Finance, Trade & Gender
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