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Exponential Race to Zero — food & land


02 June, 2022


13:00 – 16:00 (CEST)


Stockholm & online

Exponential Race to Zero — Food & Land

STHLM+50 Climate Hub

Food & Land

Welcome to our third day of daily broadcast during the week of Stockholm+50. Today’s theme, Food & Land, is part of the Exponential Race to Zero— brought to you live from SPACE arena in Stockholm with world leaders like Johan Rockström and Dr. Gunhild A. Stordalen and many others.

We need to halve global emissions and become nature positive by 2030 to tackle the climate emergency. We need to scale plant-based food and regenerative agriculture exponentially, while protecting and restoring nature. This is the moment to scale even faster.

All times in Central European Summer Time (CEST) / Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). Find your local time zone here


13:00 CEST / 07:00 AM EDT — Section I: Nature positive by 2030

  • Johan Rockström, Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research & Chairman of the Advisory Board for EAT Foundation
  • Dr. Gunhild A. Stordalen, Founder & Executive Chair at EAT Foundation
  • Rasmus Valanko, Managing Director, Systems Transformation, We Mean Business Coalition
  • Michael Wolosin, Managing Director, NCS Roadmap, Conservation International
  • Ingmar Rentzhog, CEO & Co-founder, We Don’t Have Time
  • Johan Falk, CEO & Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative

Section II: Scaling plant-based food & cutting food waste

  • Cecilia McAleavey, Director Sustainable Eating and Public Affairs, Oatly
  • Dr. Richard Swannell, International Director at WRAP
  • Vanessa Butani, VP Group Sustainability, Electrolux
  • David Coleman, Chairman, Defugo

Section III: Regenerative agriculture

  • Owen Gaffney, Co-founder Exponential Roadmap Initiative
  • Owen Bethell, Environmental Impact Lead Global Public Affairs, Nestlé
  • Cecilia McAleavey, Director Sustainable Eating and Public Affairs, Oatly
  • Arturo Tovar, Rainforest Alliance

Section IV: Protection and restoration of nature

  • Anna-Julia McVeigh, Global Climate & Environment Lead at Accenture Development Partnerships
  • Ibrahim Thiaw, Executive Secretary, UN Convention to Combat Desertification
  • Yee Lee, VP Growth, Terraformation

Section V: Removing the blockers

  • Nick Robins, Professor in Practice – Sustainable Finance, LSE & Co-Founder Planet Tracker
  • Hanneke Faber, President Global Foods & Refreshment, Unilever
  • Sandrine Dixson Declève, President, The Club of Rome
  • Ingmar Rentzhog, CEO & Co-founder, We Don’t Have Time
  • Johan Falk, CEO & Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative

16:00 CEST / 10:00 AM EDT — Summary and End of broadcast

STHLM+50 Climate Hub, Jun 2: Exponential Race to Zero — Food & Land
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