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Exponential Race to Zero — Green Energy


31 May, 2022


13:00 – 16:00 CEST


Stockholm & online

Exponential Race to Zero — Green Energy

STHLM+50 Climate Hub


Green Energy

Welcome to our first day of daily broadcasts during the Stockholm+50 week. Today’s theme, Green Energy, is part of the Exponential Race to Zero series— brought to you live from SPACE arena in Stockholm with world leaders like Arunabha Ghosh, Nigel Topping, Johan Rockström, and 1.5°C aligned front-runners like Ørsted, ABB, Alfa Laval, Vattenfall, Liquid Wind, Microsoft and Gurīn Energy.

We need to halve global emissions and become nature positive by 2030 to tackle the climate emergency. The green energy solutions to halve emissions by 2030 exist and are scaling exponentially. This is the moment to scale green energy and energy efficiency even faster, in order to tackle the energy crisis.

All times in Central European Summer Time (CEST) / Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). Find your local time zone here


13:00 / 07:00 AM — Section I: A Systemic Transformation

  • Nigel Topping, High-Level Climate Champion, UN
  • Johan Falk, CEO & Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative
  • Ingmar Rentzhog, CEO & Co-founder, We Don’t Have Time
  • Dr. Arunabha Ghosh, founder-CEO, Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW)
  • Andreas Regnell, Senior Vice President, Head of Strategic Development, Vattenfall

Section II: Energy efficiency goes exponential

  • Julien Gennetier, Business Unit President and Energy Division VP, Alfa Laval
  • Åsa Granli, Head of Motion Sales, Sweden, ABB
  • Nexhi Deti, Senior Technology Strategist, Microsoft
  • Johan Falk, CEO & Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative

Section III: Green Energy Revolution

  • Filip Engel, Vice President, Sustainability, Public Affairs, Branding & Marketing, Ørsted
  • Karol Gobczynski, Head of Climate and Energy, Ingka Group
  • Katie Plichta, Director of Climate Finance & Strategy, d.light
  • Caroline Båth, Public Policy, Business Development & Project Management, Liquid Wind

Section IV: Removing the blockers

  • Assaad Razzouk, Chief Executive Officer, Gurīn Energy
  • Johan Rockström, Potsdam Institute, Earth Commission
  • Ingmar Rentzhog, Founder and CEO, We Don’t Have Time
  • Johan Falk, CEO & Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative
  • Boaz Paldi, Global Engagement &Partnership Manager, UNDP

16:00 / 10:00 AM — Summary and end of broadcast


STHLM+50 Climate Hub, May 31: Exponential Race To Zero – Green Energy
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