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4 Climate Pillar Strategies

4 Climate Pillar Strategies

Innovative, disruptive and transformative companies are applying the 4 Climate Pillars of the 1.5°C Business Playbook, taking concrete action to halve their emissions by 2030 towards Net Zero. Read their stories below.

COP27 session: IKEA’s 4 Climate Pillar strategy

COP27 session: Pär Stenmark, Chief Sustainability Officer, Inter IKEA Group, highlights their 4 Climate Pillar strategy to reduce IKEA's emissions and the emissions they influence. Live from the We Don't Have Time's COP27 Hub at the Nature Positive Pavilion, as part...

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COP27 session: Reaching net zero through the value chain

In this COP27 Session: Hosted at the Business Sweden Pavilion, this session highlights how Normative, BT Group and Ericsson are taking action across the 4 Climate Pillars of the 1.5°C Business Playbook to cut their emissions and the emissions they influence.  ...

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Icebug: Climate strategy in four pillars

Icebug’s impact report highlights how they are taking action across the 4 Climate Pillars and contribute to exponential climate action as members of Exponential Roadmap Initiative and United Nations’ Race to Zero.

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Normative: Supporting businesses on their path to net zero

Normative, helps businesses reach net zero emissions. As the world’s first carbon accounting engine, Normative enables businesses to accurately and comprehensively measure their carbon footprints. Working from these measurements, Normative recommends tailored reduction actions and climate investments to bring businesses to true net zero.

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BT Group – Influencing Climate Action in Society

As members of the Exponential Roadmap Initiative, BT Group supports the 1.5°C Business Playbook- a guideline for exponential climate action- and are taking action across the 4 Climate Pillars of the Playbook. This year, we spoke to BT Group about the fourth climate pillar- how the company is influencing climate action in society. 

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Unilever’s journey towards net zero value chain emissions by 2039

As a member of the Exponential Roadmap Initiative, Unilever supports the 1.5°C Business Playbook – a guideline for exponential climate action – and is taking action across the 4 Climate Pillars of the Playbook. We spoke to Unilever in September 2022 to hear about their journey to net zero value chain emissions by 2039. 

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Ericsson: Digitalization as a driver in the Race to Zero

Through decades of life cycle assessments and research on the impact of the ICT sector, we understand what digitalization and technology can do to reach Net Zero and positively transform society. According to Ericsson’s peer-reviewed research, ICT solutions have the potential of enabling 15% emission reductions across industries by 2030, while being responsible for only 1.4% of the global carbon footprint.

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Houdini: A holistic formula in the Race to Zero (and beyond)

Houdini’s vision since 2001 has been, maximum experience, zero impact and beyond. It is what we are working towards with uncompromising commitment and speed since 2001. We apply a holistic formula in the Race to Zero (and beyond), taking action across the 4 Climate Pillars of the 1.5°C Business Playbook.

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Ørsted: Transforming your business model in line with 1.5°C

At Ørsted, we believe that business has a central role to play in efforts to limit global warming to 1.5°C and avoid climate breakdown. Since the late 2000s, we have therefore taken a holistic approach to climate action, working across the 4 Climate Pillars outlined in the 1.5°C Business Playbook. 

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Icebug: Using business to drive change beyond your own scope

Our vision is to be a change maker for a society where people can thrive on a planet in balance. We accept that there are planetary boundaries, and we strive to thrive within them. Being part of the Exponential Roadmap Initiative and the Race To Zero Campaign boosts our climate strategy. Not least, the 4 Climate Pillars of the 1.5°C Business Playbook is a valuable framework for our sustainability work.

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The AFRY 1.5°C Roadmap – a roadmap for climate action

AFRY have developed the AFRY 1.5°C Roadmap to support and guide the company towards delivering on climate commitments, and to be transparent about our climate action. Our climate commitments are in support of limiting global warming to 1.5°C and cover how we run our operations, integrate sustainability into our design, engineering and advisory solutions and seeking out transformative, innovative assignments to accelerate the sustainability transition.

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4 ways for companies to take effective climate action

NIGEL TOPPING, BÖRJE EKHOLM, CHRISTIANA FIGUERES: In order to help companies of any size take climate action, a group of industry and academic partners recently launched the 1.5°C Business Playbook. It is a framework for enterprises to identify value opportunities in...

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