
22 September, 2022


7:30AM – 8:15AM EST



Are Tipping Points Always Bad?

New research has warned the world might be passing 5 dangerous tipping points, including the collapse of the Greenland and West Antarctic Ice Sheets, tropical coral reef die off, and the abrupt thawing of Northern permafrost. But…points can tip both ways. Solutions House is delighted to host leading voices from the recent conference Tipping Points – From Climate Crisis to Positive Transformation. Hot off the press from that event, leaders from the Earth4All initiative will share 5 ‘positive tipping points’ – the extraordinary turnarounds the world needs right now, and how to deliver them. This is a radical blueprint for change and Solutions House will be the first to hear this new agenda. Come and be tipped towards the answers.
Breakfast will be provided.



Johan Rockström
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Solitaire Townsend
Chief Solutionist & Co-Founder
Owen Gaffney
Co-Founder Exponential Roadmap Initiative, Global Sustainability Writer & Analyst PIK

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