by Andrea | J Nov 2021 | News, Newsletter
Innovators, transformers & disruptors
by Andrea | J Oct 2021 | Business Playbook, News, Partners Press releases, Press Release
KIVRA: Kivra accelerates climate action and joins the Exponential Roadmap Initiative and UN Race to Zero. Kivra commits to driving the transition towards radically reduce emissions alongside other disruptive companies such as Google, Polestar and...
by Andrea | J Oct 2021 | News, SME Climate Hub
SME CLIMATE HUB: The initiative launched in collaboration with the local government and multinational, Spain-based businesses including Iberdrola, Telefónica and BBVA
by Andrea | J Oct 2021 | Business Playbook, News, Partners Press releases
KNOWIT: Knowit AB (publ) is taking the next step in its long-term sustainability efforts, becoming a supporting partner to the Exponential Roadmap Initiative. Through the partnership, Knowit will also join the UN’s global climate campaign Race to Zero. The partnership...
by Andrea | J Sep 2021 | Business Playbook, News, Press Release
Spotify announced that they are joining the Exponential Roadmap Initiative, joining forces with other innovative, transformative, and disruptive businesses that will play a key role in accelerating climate solutions and exponential climate action to halve emissions by...