About this proposal

Carbon dioxide removals are essential for reaching net zero, both for companies and globally, and companies need to integrate removals into their climate strategies now, alongside emissions reductions. Companies with net zero targets have implicitly agreed a volume of  residual emissions that they will counterbalance via appropriate carbon removals at net zero.  

This proposal, developed by Exponential Roadmap Initiative (ERI), Oxford Net Zero, and Rethinking Removals, suggests that businesses:

1) include the volume of carbon removals they are likely to require in their net zero target statements and;

2) start investing in removals now, with interim milestones for increasing volumes towards net zero. 

This proposal has been integrated into the latest version of the Exponential Business Playbook and ERI recommends that all its members start to implement such investments from 2025.

More resources

Watch this session from New York Climate Week 2024 on how organisations can integrate carbon removal strategies to counterbalance residual emissions, ensuring a transparent and credible path to sustainability:

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