
10 and 11 June 2024


13.00–14.30 CEST


on-site at the UN in Bonn (badge holders only) and online at the We Don’t Have Time Climate Hub

Exponential Race to the Top events at the UN Bonn Climate Change Conference

The UN’s Bonn Climate Change Conference marks an important milestone towards COP29 and COP30

It follows up on COP 28 outcomes such as phasing out fossil fuels, tripling renewable energy and doubling energy efficiency. It advances negotiations on finance that will be concluded at COP29. And it will inform countries’ climate action plans or NDCs that are being developed under 2024.

The We Don’t Have Time Climate Hub at the Bonn Climate Change Conference connects policymakers, NGOs, and business leaders to advance the climate agenda ahead of the UN Climate Conference COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, in November.

The Exponential Race to the Top sessions at the Climate Hub want to showcase real-economy transformation to trigger ambition loops for more ambitious national climate action plans or NDCs.

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