About the guide
The 2019 Exponential Roadmap focuses on moving from incremental to exponential climate action in the next decade. Aligned with the Paris agreement, it presents 36 economically viable solutions to cut global greenhouse gas emissions 50% by 2030 and the strategies to scale this transformation.
The Exponential Roadmap
A science based cross-sector collaboration resulting in a report published in three iterations. It highlights 36 solutions with exponential scaling potential to halve global greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. Scaling of solutions comes from sharp policy, from climate leadership by companies and cities and from a finance and technology shift towards green solutions with exponential potential. The roadmap shows how we can build a stronger, more resilient and future-proof global economy and increase human prosperity and health – within the planetary boundaries.
Global Climate Action Summit
San Francisco, September 2018
The first Exponential Roadmap, lead authored by Johan Falk and Owen Gaffney, was presented as the main keynote at the Global Climate Action Summit 2018 by Johan Rockström and Christiana Figueres. It is the first global roadmap highlighting that solutions exist to halve emissions by 2030, and that they need to be scaled exponentially through four forces: climate leadership, strong policy, finance and technology.
The Carbon Law
The UN special report on 1.5°C concludes that we need to keep global warming to a maximum of 1.5°C to avoid high risk of catastrophic consequences for people and our living environment. To do so, the world needs to follow the ”carbon law”, halve global GHG emissions every decade, complemented by scaling carbon removals. This simple rule of thumb, called the Carbon Law, can be applied to everyone: companies, cities, nations and citizens.
Exponential Roadmap for
Natural Climate Solutions
September 2022
The Exponential Roadmap for Natural Climate Solutions by Conservation International in partnership with WWF, PIK and Exponential Roadmap Initiative, outlines a path to reach net zero emissions from the land sector by 2030 through natural climate solutions. The report is a critical step toward providing communities with resources to support land stewardship, countries with the knowledge to identify and activate the climate potential of their domains, and companies and financiers with clear paths to invest in climate solutions. The roadmap establishes a new “Carbon Law for Nature” – a benchmark for emissions from the land sector each year.
Exponential Roadmap Partners
Lead Partners

Supporting Partners

Exponential Roadmap authors and contributors

Johan Falk
Program Management
Lead Author
Initiator Exponential Roadmap
Internet of Planet
Stockholm Resilience Centre,
Future Earth

Owen Gaffney
Lead Author
Editor in-Chief
Initiator Exponential Roadmap
Stockholm Resilience Centre,
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research