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Exponential Roadmap Initiative members – endorsing the Exponential Business Playbook


The Exponential Business Playbook frontcover

A playbook for

exponential climate action

The Exponential Business Playbook is a guide for CEOs, managers, and employees aiming to drive and accelerate the rapid economic transition needed to secure a livable planet.

The playbook, grounded in science and global expertise, offers a strategic framework for target setting, transition planning, implementation, and disclosure. It prioritizes simplicity, speed, and compatibility with existing standards and criteria.

The first version launched in 2020 and is regularly updated with the latest science, standards, and user feedback. Released in 2025, the Exponential Business Playbook 4.0 is backed by companies with over $1 trillion in annual revenue and 2 million employees.

The 4 Climate Pillars

visual for the 4-pillar-climate strategy of the 2023 Business Playbook (pillar 1)

Pillar 1 focuses on a company’s activities to reduce its own emissions, aligned with a 1.5°C pathway. To align with the 1.5°C ambition, the minimum requirement is to halve your own emissions (scope 1 & 2) at least every decade. For many companies, a 90% reduction of scope 1 & 2 emisisons can be acheived by 2030.

visual for the 4-pillar-climate strategy of the 2023 Business Playbook (pillar 2)

Pillar 2 focuses on a company’s activities to reduce its value chain emissions, following the same trajectory. These include all emissions “outside the company walls”, which often represent the largest share of a company’s total footprint and must therefore be addressed. Value chain emissions (scope 3) include emissions from upstream and downstream activities.

The 1.5°C Supply Chain Leaders is an initiative driving climate action throughout global supply chains

visual for the 4-pillar-climate strategy of the 2023 Business Playbook (pillar 3)

Pillar 3 focuses on the company’s impact in society through the use of its products and services. It shifts the focus from only reducing the footprint to also providing solutions. Such a shift requires the alignment of the company’s vision, strategy, value proposition, and customer offerings with the 1.5°C ambition.

visual for the 4-pillar-climate strategy of the 2023 Business Playbook (pillar 4)

Pillar 4 describes how to contribute to the 1.5°C and net zero ambition beyond the company’s own business and value chain. This means accelerating global climate action by sharing examples and scaling best practices through collaboration with other industry leaders. It also includes influencing policies and engaging industry associations to accelerate climate action, making climate and nature contributions beyond the value chain and helping management and employees to adopt sustainable practices.

The science makes clear that we need a fundamental reshaping of business and finance. Every board and every company must show a credible strategy to align with 1.5°C. This Playbook is an excellent guide for the necessary journey to net zero emissions, to prepare business for the fastest economic transition in history and help them drive it. It’s a guide for preserving a more liveable planet for future generations.

Christiana Figueres
Convenor, Mission 2020

This Playbook is great at converting the 1.5°C ambition into concrete climate action that companies of any size can implement. The strategic framework it provides has been very useful in guiding our decision-making and transition towards net zero.

Hannah Hislop
Global Sustainability Senior Manager Unilever

“The Business Playbook provides a great framework aligned with the Race to Zero campaign, available today for companies to use. Focusing on simplicity and speed, it will help companies to halve emissions by 2030 towards net-zero well before 2050.”

Nigel Topping
UK High Level Climate
Action Champion for COP26

We applaud that this Playbook not only recognised the need for
climate solutions in the transition to a net zero World, but now sets a clear framework to identify climate solution products, services and companies, pushing companies to strive for the solutions truly needed.

Caroline Reid
Sustainability Director Oatly

This Playbook is aligned with the target to limit global warming to just 1.5°C. The only pathway left is massive emissions reductions across all business sectors in the next decade. We show that this is achievable.

Johan Rockström
Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Executive Director, Stockholm Resilience Centre

The Business Playbook is a framework for company strategy and action, that we use, to help our supply chain business partners to set 1.5°C aligned targets. We need all companies to be bold and join this journey towards a more sustainable and connected world.

Börje Ekholm
CEO, Ericsson

Businesses must align with the 1.5°C pathway if we want to address the climate emergency. The Business Playbook provides an action plan for businesses of all sizes to develop and urgently implement ambitious climate strategies.

María Mendiluce
CEO, We Mean Business coalition

Humanity is taking grave risks with the stability of the Earth’s life support system as global average surface temperatures continues to rise. We now need the fastest economic transition in history.

Owen Gaffney
Co-founder Exponential Roadmap Initiative and Co-lead author Exponential Roadmap

We designed the Exponential Business Playbook to make it easy for businesses to set sharp targets and meet them through clear action. In fact, many companies can halve their emissions much faster than every decade.

Johan Falk
CEO and Co-Founder of Exponential Roadmap Initiative 

Sign up if you support the 1.5°C ambition, to halve emissions by 2030 towards net zero, and want to receive informationand news from the Exponential Roadmap Initiative

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Sign up if you support the 1.5°C ambition, to halve emissions by 2030 towards net zero, and want to receive informationand news from the Exponential Roadmap Initiative

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